Let us lift up our common prayer to the Father so that the Holy Spirit may guide and enlighten the minds and the hearts of those entrusted to his work of sanctification.
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia
That through the Spirit of fortitude and of wisdom, you give to all the baptized the courage to proclaim that “Jesus is the Lord”, so that the message of salvation bears fruit in the hearts of all.
That through the Spirit of hope and of good counsel, you strengthen Christians in a sincere quest for unity, so that through constant prayer and trusting in the Lord alone, they may soon see the fulfillment of their desire.
That through the Spirit of holiness and of zeal, you grant to the Society, through the example of her martyrs, the grace to witness to the Gospel to the utmost bounds of the earth, so that the whole world may be set alight with the fire of your love and consoled by the forgiveness of God which makes all things new.
That through the Spirit of knowledge and of awe in God’s presence, you guide those who have the responsibility of choosing a new successor of St Ignatius in a true desire to do your holy will, so that in that will alone we may find true joy and what is good for the whole apostolic body of the Society.
That through the Spirit of charity and of brotherhood, you encourage those responsible for the government of nations to search out ways of peace and of concord, so that all peoples may be able to live in justice and in freedom.
That through the Spirit of unity and of grace, you unite us all in one body, through communion in your holy mysteries, so that in giving thanks always to the Lord for the gifts we have received, we may be able to witness to the beauty of our vocation,
O Father,
who enlightens all peoples
with the living flame of your Spirit, hear these our prayers of entreaty
and give us the Wisdom which comes from you so that we may in all things seek your will and by the light of you alone choose
the one whom you have placed before us as successor of St Ignatius
to guide our Society.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.