{"id":8272,"date":"2016-11-11T16:43:47","date_gmt":"2016-11-11T14:43:47","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/gc36.test\/it\/gratitude-source-joy\/"},"modified":"2016-11-12T16:35:46","modified_gmt":"2016-11-12T14:35:46","slug":"gratitude-source-joy","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/gc36.test\/it\/gratitude-source-joy\/","title":{"rendered":"Gratitudine – sorgente di gioia"},"content":{"rendered":"

Nothing is more practical than finding God,
\nthat is, than falling in love in a quite absolute, final way.
\nWhat you are in love with, what seizes your imagination,
\nwill affect everything.
\nIt will decide
\nwhat will get you out of bed in the morning,
\nwhat you will do with your evenings,
\nhow you will spend your weekends,
\nwhat you read,
\nwho you know,
\nwhat breaks your heart,
\nand what amazes you with joy and gratitude.
\nFall in love, stay in love and it will decide everything.
\nPedro Arrupe SJ<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

Take, Lord, and receive
\nall my liberty,
\nmy memory,
\nmy understanding,
\nand my entire will,
\nall I have and call my own.
\nYou have given all to me.
\nTo you, Lord, I return it.
\nEverything is yours;
\ndo with it what you will.
\nGive me only your love
\nand your grace,
\nthat is enough for me.<\/p>\n


You can download the full prayer here<\/a><\/p>\n