{"id":8042,"date":"2016-11-10T18:23:03","date_gmt":"2016-11-10T16:23:03","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/gc36.test\/fr\/communitas-ad-dispersionem\/"},"modified":"2016-11-11T12:24:40","modified_gmt":"2016-11-11T10:24:40","slug":"communitas-ad-dispersionem","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/gc36.test\/fr\/communitas-ad-dispersionem\/","title":{"rendered":"Communitas ad dispersionem"},"content":{"rendered":"

\u201cIn their own communal apostolic discernment which led to the founding of the Society, Ignatius and his companions saw this as their unique call, their charism: to choose to be with Christ as servants of His mission, to be with people where they dwell and work and struggle, to bring the Gospel into their lives and labours. As pilgrims on Christ\u2019s mission, we are ready to be dispersed to any part of Christ\u2019s vineyard, to labour in those parts of it and in those works which have been entrusted to us. In Jesus Christ we can accept the magnitude of this challenge: to work at the integration of faith and justice, to strive to understand how the Gospel is to be inculturated, to embark with new zeal on the task of interreligious dialogue, to continue to join our professional and pastoral skills to the Ignatian way of proceeding. The Crucified Jesus reminds us that in weakness and vulnerability God\u2019s love can shine forth mightily. The Risen Jesus reminds us that our hope rests in his power over death and his continued identification with those who bear his name\u201d. GC 34, D1, 7-9<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

For the universal body of the Society; that assembled from all the nations and sent to the whole world, it remain united in love and obedience and give a convincing testimony of Christ\u2019s presence among men.<\/p>\n

For the priests of the Society; that animated by the Spirit, zealous, competent and committed, they proclaim the Word of God and give the Bread of Life to the people entrusted to them with much spiritual fruit and personal consolation.<\/p>\n

For the Brothers; that they be and feel truly integrated in the life and activities of the Society, sharing thus the same vocation and apostolic mission.<\/p>\n

For those who are in formation; that they be well trained in everything, in the school of the heart as well as in academic matters, in character as well as in our way of proceeding; that they become zealous workers according to the heart of Christ.<\/p>\n

For the Provinces, regions and local communities; that the Lord bless them in their apostolic activities and help them in their difficulties; that they remain united in love and give a genuine testimony of companionship in mission.<\/p>\n

For our Superior General and all Superiors; that the Holy Spirit assist them and give them light and strength in their governance of the Society, helping us to be ever faithful to the charism received from St Ignatius and his companions.<\/p>\n

For all our friends, benefactors and especially for those who are praying with and for us during these weeks of GC36. We thank them for their support from all over the world, which strengthens us in our work in the Aula. May they continue to support our mission. Amen<\/p>\n

You can download the full prayer here<\/a><\/p>\n