{"id":5783,"date":"2016-10-23T16:54:32","date_gmt":"2016-10-23T14:54:32","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/gc36.test\/fr\/the-good-shepherd\/"},"modified":"2016-10-24T15:10:35","modified_gmt":"2016-10-24T13:10:35","slug":"le-bon-pasteur","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/gc36.test\/fr\/le-bon-pasteur\/","title":{"rendered":"Le Bon Pasteur"},"content":{"rendered":"

Franz van de Lugt SJ, a member of the Near East Province, lived and worked in Syria, mainly in Homs as spiritual guide especially for the youth. He was killed on the 7th of April 2014, aged 76. In him we have the image of a Good Shepherd: his hope in the resurrection strengthened him in his ministry. In March 2014 he wrote: \u201cJust as I have shared with the Syrian people their own treasures, I would like now to share with them their anguishes, their suffering and their death. I would like to be at the very heart of these events to be able to participate in the pains of childbirth that lead towards a new life, a new beginning.\u201d On the day before his assassination he wrote: \u201cWe lack food and basic necessities, but we try to continue our lives. Even if the human person has lost everything, he must search for the good in others and discover their gifts. We see evil taking its course, but this must not make us forget the good. We must not let the good disappear from our hearts. We must prepare ourselves for the great joy of the passage from death to life. It is as if we are in a black hole, but in this darkness, we catch the glimmer of a great light.\u201d<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

Padre nuestro, que est\u00e1s en el cielo,
\nsantificado sea tu Nombre;
\nvenga a nosotros tu reino;
\nh\u00e1gase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo.
\nDanos hoy nuestro pan de cada d\u00eda;
\nperdona nuestras ofensas,
\ncomo tambi\u00e9n nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden;
\nno nos dejes caer en la tentaci\u00f3n, y l\u00edbranos del mal.

You can download the full prayer here<\/a><\/p>\n